Oh nature, it sure is beautiful... but at the same time unpredictable. Some of us prefer to be alongside wildlife and the rest of us like to observe nature from a safe distance.

Well, if the latter sounds more like you, then we have something in common – that’s why we offer high-quality trail cameras in our store. This way, you can see all of the wonders of nature, without having to put yourself in harm’s way.

If you’re interested in getting a trail cam but don’t know how to properly set one up, this guide is for you.

1. Find An Open Space

Make sure this space has a sturdy tree and not many obstacles near it; that way, you can clearly see the view if any critters were to pass by. Make sure the camera isn’t facing directly east or west, because doing that may cause the sun to block your view.

2.  Secure Your Trail Camera 

Mount your camera against the tree you’ve chosen and tighten the straps on the back. Next, use the adjustable metal mounting discs on the back to secure the straps. Make sure your camera captures low to the ground so you can see creatures, no matter how small.

3. Put Yourself in Their Shoes

If you were an animal, would this location be somewhere you would roam in? The best spots are where wildlife are going to pass through – to capture every moment of them, place your camera accordingly.

4. Turn Down the Frequency

If your trail cam has the option to turn down the frequency, test out that setting. Low frequency ensures that you don’t get too many photos of the same wildlife, not to mention it makes your battery last longer.

5. Put it to the Test!

Take a look at what your camera is capturing – if you feel like it would be of better use in a new location, try moving it. Do animals pass by and walk out of the frame often, or do you see them in the frame the entire time? Test the waters and set it up capturing different views until you find the best one.

Embrace effortless wildlife monitoring with our Trail Camera Kit, including a solar panel. 

Benefits and Tips for Trail Camera Setup

After learning how to set up a trail camera, it’s essential to understand the benefits (along with some crucial tips to navigate its settings). Trail cameras, also known as game cameras, offer a unique way to explore and appreciate wildlife without intruding on their natural habitats. Here’s why you should consider setting up trail cameras, and how to program a trail camera for optimal results.

Why Install a Trail Camera?

  • Wildlife Monitoring: Trail cameras provide an exceptional opportunity to observe wildlife in its natural setting. By strategically setting up trail cameras, you can capture rare and fascinating moments of nature that would otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Research and Conservation: For those interested in wildlife conservation and research, trail cameras are invaluable. They help in studying animal behaviours, tracking species, and monitoring ecological changes.
  • Security and Surveillance: Beyond wildlife observation, these cameras can serve as security tools, monitoring remote areas around your property for any unusual activity.
  • Outdoor Adventure: For outdoor enthusiasts, trail cameras add an exciting element to their adventures, allowing them to capture and share unique wildlife encounters.

Trail Camera Settings Tips

  1. Understanding Camera Settings: Learning how to program a trail camera is crucial. Familiarise yourself with different settings like motion sensitivity, video length, time-lapse intervals, and night vision capabilities. Tailoring these settings to your needs will enhance your camera’s performance.
  2. Strategic Placement: Besides finding an open space and avoiding direct sunlight, consider the animal paths and water sources nearby. Animals often frequent these areas, increasing your chances of capturing compelling footage.
  3. Battery Life and Storage: Optimise your camera’s battery life by adjusting the frequency of captures as mentioned earlier. Also, ensure you have sufficient memory storage for the captures, especially if you plan to leave the camera for an extended period.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Check and maintain your cameras regularly – this includes cleaning lenses, checking batteries, and ensuring the straps and mounts are secure.
  5. Experiment with Angles: Like any good photography, angles matter. Try experimenting with different heights and angles to find the most revealing and interesting perspectives.
  6. Be Mindful of the Environment: While setting up trail cameras, ensure you’re not disrupting the natural habitat or causing stress to wildlife.

Ready to get started?

Understanding how to set up a game camera or a trail camera is just the beginning. By appreciating the benefits and mastering trail camera setup and settings, you can embark on a fascinating journey of wildlife observation and outdoor exploration. Embrace these tips for an enriching and responsible wildlife monitoring experience – after all, who knows what goes on when nobody’s around to see it!

Feeling ready to set up your own trail camera? Check out our high-quality trail cams – we also stock pet/livestock fencing solutions, pet health supplies and more.

April 14, 2022 — Nick Flint