The energiser has an input charging port, which you can connect to any mains power or battery charger with an output specification of 8.4V/1A. This charges the energiser’s internal battery. Allow at least 8 hours charging time. After charging, you need to leave the energiser in direct sunlight for at least 3 days before usage.
It is common to think the energiser would only send pulses when something has made contact and closed the circuit. This is not the case. It is normal for the energiser to generate a pulse every 1.5 seconds and for the indicator LED to flash.
The ‘peeping’ sound you are hearing is the noise of the transformer, which transforms the battery voltage to a higher voltage. The frequency is low, which is why you can hear a noise. You can be assured it won’t affect the functionality of your unit.
The electrical code states that it must have 8 feet (2.4 m) of contact with the ground. You will need to drive the ground rod all the way down, which can take a long time and be difficult work.
Please note: The ground rods should be about 10 feet apart and should be placed at the start of the fence. Grounding rods can interfere with phone services as well as electrical lines that may be located on the property. For this reason, it's important to place grounding rods as far away as possible from utilities.
You cannot hook up the Pet & Livestock HQ Solar Electric Fence Energiser to a barbed wire fence. An animal can become entangled in the barbed wire and receive sustained electric fence shocks, which can result in serious stress to the animal. We recommend either using polytape (recommended for horses and sheep and sold by us), polywire or polyrope (recommended for cattle). We recommend installing this at least 12 inches away from the barbed wire to prevent the risk of livestock entanglement and damage.
Aluminium wire conducts an electrical charge better than a poly wire fence and is longer lasting. It is more costly to install than a poly wire fence. As aluminium is more flexible than steel you will see more sag in your fence line over long distances compared to a poly wire fence.
Our energiser emits an output voltage of 7500V, which is sufficient voltage to deter a bear. Bears require a minimum of 5,000 to 7,000 volts of electricity to be deterred—depending on the species and the bear's previous exposures.
Electric fences is safe and can be used for poultry according to their flying capability
ability (roughly 0.55 to 0.85m, even up to 1.20 m high) with 3 to 4 strands of wire.
Electric fence does not need to make a complete loop. An electric fence line that dead ends will work just as well as a fence line that is a full loop.
Step 1: Determine the location for the solar fence energizer. Choose a sunny spot where the energizer can receive ample sunlight throughout the day. Make sure it is close to the T-post fence to minimize the wire length.
Step 2: Install the grounding rod. This rod helps to ground the electric fence system. Drive the grounding rod into the ground near the energizer location. Leave about 6 to 8 feet of the rod above the ground.
Step 3: Attach the insulated cable to the grounding rod. Use clamps or wire nuts to secure the cable to the rod. Ensure the connection is tight.
Step 4: Connect the other end of the insulated cable to the grounding terminal of the solar fence energizer. You’lll need to loosen the grounding terminal, place the cable inside, and tighten the terminal securely.
Step 5: Mount the solar fence energizer on a sturdy post or structure near the T-post fence. Make sure it is positioned vertically and secure it tightly.
Step 6: Install the insulators on the T-posts. Attach the insulators to the T-posts at regular intervals, ensuring they are properly secured. The number of insulators required will depend on the length of the fence.
Step 7: Run the insulated fence wire or electric fence tape through the insulators on the T-posts. Start at one end and thread the wire or tape through each insulator, maintaining tension as you go. For electric fence tape, follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.
Step 8: Connect the fence wire or tape to the output terminal of the solar fence energizer.
Step 9: Test the fence. Use a fence tester to check the voltage of the fence. Ensure that the voltage is within the desired range for effective containment.
Step 10: Make any necessary adjustments or repairs. If you encounter any issues with the fence, such as weak voltage or breaks in the wire, troubleshoot and fix the problems accordingly.
The Pet & Livestock HQ netting fence can handle 3.1 joules without any damage to the netting. Be aware as the length of our product is 164 ft and the total resistance of 70 ohms it’s very likely that the shock emitted from 3.01 output will be rather strong. We wouldn’t recommend it for smaller animals due to the strength of the shock emitted.
The solar panel generates a higher voltage when the sunlight is strong. It sounds like the battery over charging voltage is lower than the peak solar panel voltage so the battery might not be receiving a sufficient charge causing it to underperform i.e. slow output and low speed.
Confirming you can connect our polytape to a chain link fence. You would need insulators designed for polytape and chain link fences, cable ties or wire so you can secure the insulators to the chain link fence and connectors to ensure good electrical connection between the lengths of the polytape.
It sounds like either a bad connection or line in your installation. You need to check that the earth connection and ground rod is installed correctly. The ground rod should be a metal rod buried at least 8 feet underground and connected to the energiser. In addition you need to check that the wire you’re using has electrical conduction through it. Be aware that if the fence contacts the ground ( grass, weeds, etc. ) this will impact the energisers performance.
The wire needs to be well insulated to prevent the electrical current from leaking into the surrounding soil, which would not only be inefficient but could also render the fence ineffective. Using poly pipe provides a layer of physical protection for the wire but doesn't necessarily insulate against electrical leakage unless the wire itself is also well-insulated.
The end of the wire does not need to return to the starting point or the energizer. The fence is powered by connecting one end of the wire to an energizer. Instead of forming a loop, the wire usually runs in a continuous line from the energizer and can be strung along multiple fence posts to cover the area you need to enclose or protect. The energizer sends electrical pulses through the wire. For the system to deliver a shock, an animal touching the wire must complete the circuit to the ground. This is typically achieved through grounding rods installed as part of the energizer system. When the animal touches the wire, it completes the circuit from the wire through the animal to the ground and back to the energizer via the ground rods.
You can use a fence tester to test the output directly from the energizer with no fence wires connected. If the voltage is low directly from the source, the energizer might be faulty. A consistent clicking sound usually means the energizer is working properly.
Make certain the polytape isn’t touching any vegetation. Also the polytape cannot be connected directly to the metal post there needs to be an insulator between the polytape and the metal post.
This product has been an absolute life saver for our family. Moving from a small city block to a larger property our Irish Setter didn’t understand and care for our boundary fences. This product has helped train her to know where her boundaries are gives us peace of mind that she is safe at home. Friendly staff that is quick to respond and resolve any issues.
Well worth the investment to keep my x2 little houdinis in the yard! This system has been fantastic for us, very easy to navigate and install on your own. The customer service of Pet Control HQ is second to none. Wouldn’t buy anywhere else!