When it comes to dog training, finding a method that is effective, humane, and tailored to your pet’s unique personality is vital. One popular and proven method is e collar training for dogs, which, when done correctly, can produce fantastic results. In today’s guide, we will explore how to train your dog using an electric collar in a safe and effective manner.

Pet Control HQ is committed to helping you provide the best care possible for your pet. We stock an exclusive range of quality-made electric dog collars that can aid you in the training process, ensuring that you and your furry friend form a loving and obedient relationship.

Understanding Electric Collars

Before delving into how to use e collar training, it is important to dispel some common myths. Contrary to what some may believe, electric dog collars are not a tool for punishment. They are designed to provide a small stimulation, akin to a tap on the shoulder, that gets your dog’s attention when used appropriately.

Choosing the Right Collar

Your journey into electronic dog collar training begins with selecting the right product. Visit our collection of anti-bark collars to find a device that matches your pet’s size and temperament.

Pre-Training Phase: Collar Conditioning

Before you begin dog training with an electric collar, ensure your pet is comfortable wearing the collar.

  1. Fitting the Collar: Attach the collar so that it is snug but not tight. Your dog should be comfortable, but the sensors should make consistent contact with their skin.
  2. Desensitisation: Allow your dog to wear the collar (without turning it on) during fun activities. This helps your pet associate the collar with positive experiences.

The Basics of E Collar Training

Step 1: Finding the Right Stimulation Level

  • Initial Level Testing: Start with the lowest level of stimulation and gradually increase until your dog displays a subtle reaction, such as a twitch of the ear or a puzzled look. This is their “working level”, where training will begin.

Step 2: Basic Commands

  • Recall Training: This is usually the starting point in how to train your dog with e collar. Use the e collar to reinforce the “come” command. Begin with your dog on a leash. Say “come”, apply the stimulation, and gently guide your dog towards you with the leash. As soon as they start moving in your direction, release the stimulation button and reward them.

Step 3: Reinforcing Commands

  • Timing is Key: Apply the stimulation as soon as the command is given, and release when the dog follows the command. This helps your dog understand that the stimulation is tied to their behaviour.

Step 4: Advancing Training

  • Off-Leash Training: After your dog consistently responds to commands with the collar, you may begin transitioning to off-leash training.

Safety and Well-being

When learning how to use e collars, it’s paramount that you remain patient, and never use the collar to punish your dog. Training should be a positive experience for both you and your pet.

Shop for electric dog collars online at Pet Control HQ

Our experts at Pet Control HQ are passionate about pet wellness. Our exclusive selection of electric collars are designed with your dog’s comfort and safety in mind. Our collars offer various levels of adjustable stimulation, ensuring that you can train your dog with the gentlest touch possible.

Ready to get started?

E collar training for dogs can be a highly effective and humane method for training when used responsibly and patiently. Always focus on positive reinforcement and consider your pet’s comfort and well-being at every stage of the process.

Pet Control HQ is your dedicated partner in ensuring that your canine companion lives a happy, healthy, and well-behaved life. Shop with us today to explore our top-of-the-line electric collars and discover why so many pet owners trust Pet Control HQ for their dog training needs.

Please consult with a professional dog trainer before beginning any new training regimen with your pet. The above blog post is meant for informational purposes only and should not be seen as professional advice.

August 29, 2023 — Adie Schafner