Does your dog seem to operate on an endless battery? One minute, they can be rolled up like a couch potato, the next they bounce off walls like a fuzzy pinball ready to turn your favourite throw pillow into a confetti machine. Destructive dogs and hyperactivity can be signs of a lack of stimulation.

Exercise is essential for our canine friends. It helps them burn seemingly limitless energy and keeps them physically and intellectually active. But let's face it—going for a walk isn't always a bed of roses. Perhaps the weather is bad or your calendar is jam-packed. Missed walks, regardless of whatever reason, might result in pent-up energy and some undesirable doggie behaviour. 

The good news is that there's a solution that can keep your pup happy and healthy indoors---

Enter the dog treadmill—a fun and effective way to unleash your pup's inner athlete and burn off some steam, all from the comfort of your own home! Keep reading to discover how a dog treadmill can benefit your best friend's health, wellness and happiness.

Exercise Keeps Your Pup Healthy

Our furry friends are like little bags of happiness, always ready for a hug or a game of fetch. But they need to exercise regularly to stay healthy and happy, just like people do. 

Exercise for a Happy (and Healthy) Pup

Just as a good stroll clears your mind, regular exercise benefits your dog's physical and mental health. 

  • Exercise develops muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular health, and helps your dog maintain a healthy weight. 
  • Pent-up energy can cause destructive habits like excessive barking and chewing. Exercise allows them to burn off that excess energy in a positive manner.
  • Physical activity stimulates the brain, reducing boredom and enhancing cognitive performance. 
  • Exercise is a great way to bond with your dog and build lifelong memories.

The Downsides of Skipping Exercise

  • Obesity in dogs can cause a variety of health conditions, including diabetes, joint disorders, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory issues.
  • Lack of activity weakens muscles that support joints, increasing the risk of pain and damage.
  • Boredom and pent-up energy can lead to destructive actions such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking.
  • Lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to behavioural disorders such as frustration and anxiety.

Getting active can be tough... sometimes

While we are aware how vital exercise is, life can get crazy. Pet owners often encounter challenges that can get in the way of creating exercise opportunities for their dogs— 

  • Busy schedules: Work, errands, and social obligations limit time for extended walks. 
  • Harsh weather conditions: Rain, snow, or extreme heat, hinder outdoor activities.
  • Limited mobility: Pet owners with physical disabilities may find long walks challenging.
  • Behavioural issues:Pet owners with high energy dogs may require more exercise than what their owners can manage outdoors.
  • Inadequate Space: For those pet owners that live in high rises with either limiter or no yard may struggle to find adequate space for their dog to roam and play freely.

Dog treadmills can be a game-changer, offering a convenient and effective way to keep your pup happy and healthy, rain or shine, busy schedule or not.

Unleashing the Health Benefits of Treadmills

Dogs like a good run around the park, but what happens on days when the weather is bad or you have a busy schedule? 

This is where a dog treadmill provides an excellent means of letting your pet reap the benefits of physical activity, all from the comfort of your home.

Cardio workout

Just like us, regular treadmill workouts stimulate your dog’s heart, give them better circulation, and a more effective oxygen supply.  All these lead to a happier, more behaved dog ready to channel their high energy into non-destructive exercise. Exercising on a treadmill increases endurance, develops cardiac muscle, and pumps blood giving your dog a healthier, happier life. 

Healthy weight

Like people, dogs sometimes find it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. A few too many treats paired with inactivity might cause your pup to have an unhealthy body weight leading to other health issues.. One excellent way to fight weight gain and burn calories is on a treadmill. Though remembering to watch their portions is equally important, a regular treadmill workout may help your dog stay at a healthy weight, keep their joints happy, and help them release pent-up energy.

Treadmills vs. Walks

While treadmills provide a safe, healthy way for you to exercise your dog regularly; they are not a replacement for outdoor walks, which provide mental stimulation with new sights and sounds. For your dog, sniffing out new smells, exploring the area, and interacting socially with other dogs are all rewarding activities. When inclement weather or a hectic schedule interferes with your dog’s outdoor activities, a dog treadmill is a great alternative to ensure they still get physical exercise.

Behavioural Benefits: Burning Off Boredom

Without regular physical and mental stimulation, a dog can become bored. Excess energy from boredom can lead to destructive behaviours. 

A well-exercised dog is a joyful companion, and their happiness enhances yours too!  Frequent treadmill sessions help your dog release stored-up energy, which makes them feel more relaxed and less prone to engaging in undesirable habits like chewing or barking excessively. Exercise also produces endorphins, those happy hormones that improve a dog's mood and overall health. 

Treadmill Therapy

Treadmill exercise helps rebuild muscle mass, which improves overall strength and stability. Controlled exercise can also improve joint flexibility, which is important for older dogs and those recovering from injuries. Consider it your dog's in-home physical therapy session! Veterinarians frequently suggest them for rehabilitation because treadmills offer a safe and progressive increase in exercise, which promotes healing and recovery.

Treadmill Time for Your Dog: Treadmill Tips for Success

Choosing the Right Treadmill

Dog treadmills come in two formats: motorised or self-propelled. While self-propelled is dependent on your dog's pace, motorised treadmills include customisable speeds and inclines. Think about the needs and size of your dog before selecting a treadmill. Remember that sometimes bigger isn't better! A comfortable running surface and safety features are key.

Always consult your veterinarian before starting any new exercise program for your dog. They can help determine if a treadmill is suitable for their age, health, and fitness level.

Training Tips for Treadmill Success

Remember, with any new training tool, you have to follow your dog’s cues and adjust to their needs.

  • Start slow: Give your dog time to get used to the treadmill when it's off. As they sniff and investigate, offer them treats and praise. 
  • Treats, praise, and encouragement should be used as positive reinforcement during training.
  • As your dog becomes more comfortable, you can progressively lengthen and speed up your brief, gentle workouts. 
  • Always remember, every dog learns at their own pace, be patient. 

Safety First!

Dogs on treadmills should always be supervised. Look for discomfort indicators such as excessive drooling, halting to try to get off, or panting. Stop the treadmill right away if your dog appears to be uncomfortable. Never forget that your canine friend should enjoy and benefit from using a treadmill.

Key Takeaways

Regular treadmill use can:

  1. Boost cardiovascular health and stamina, leading to longer walks and a happier pup.
  2. Aid in weight management and prevent obesity, keeping your dog healthy and trim.
  3. Provide a positive outlet for pent-up energy, reducing destructive behaviours and promoting calmness.
  4. Improve muscle mass and joint flexibility; especially for senior dogs or those recovering from injuries.
  5. Promote better sleep, leading to a more well-rested and content pup (and owner!)

Treadmills can be a valuable tool to keep your dog happy, healthy, and exercised, even when bad weather or busy schedules make walks challenging. Remember to consult your veterinarian before starting any new exercise program, and prioritize safety and positive reinforcement when introducing your dog to the treadmill. With the right approach, treadmills can become a fun and effective way to unleash the best in your furry friend. 

Shop our motorized dog treadmill here.

May 14, 2024 — Merliza Cabriles